Aries Horoscope

Oct 10, 2024… You can have unrealistic expectations of someone close to you today, Aries. If you’ve put someone on a pedestal, be sure you didn’t set them so high that they now have a long way to fall. When people don’t live up to your expectations, it can be hurtful, but it isn’t the end of the world. Expect that people will make mistakes — a lot of mistakes. It doesn’t mean they’re trying to hurt you. We’re only human, after all. Can you make it easier for both of you to win? If so, being understanding can brighten your day more than you thought possible.

Today’s Inspiration: Love your body. Big or small, all the lumps and bumps. Whether or not it works well or if it runs marathons. There’s a soul in there, so treat it as the wonderful and amazing soul-keeper it is!