Make Money Doing Clinical Trials

Doing clinical trials

Maybe you’ve heard of doing clinical trials to get some extra cash on the side. You probably thought that was crazy, and brushed the idea aside.

Here’s the thing…money is not always easy to come by. You’re probably looking for ways to help pay all those bills that are sucking your bank account dry. 

Maybe it’s time for a perspective change. What if these trials aren’t as ridiculous, dangerous, or sketchy as you think? What if they become a legitimate way to pay your bills? 

Here’s how you can make some supplemental cash by doing clinical trials.

What are clinical trials?

Do you remember the science fair back in elementary school? Or maybe you used to stay up all night writing in-depth research papers in college. 

Think of clinical trials as a type of professional research project. However, this research project involves a lot of moving parts. One of those needed factors is a steady flow of participants.

Many studies need participants to test their products, services, or medical approaches. Clinical trials specifically require a lot of participants, so it’s not hard to get in on some of these gigs. 

This large-scale research project tests ideas, tools, and treatments to find the safest and most efficient way to help people. The more treatment is tested on individuals, the safer the clinicians know it to be. For this reason, you can almost always find a clinical trial to take part in.

If you aren’t interested in being poked and prodded, don’t shut this idea down just yet. Not every trial is intrusive! Clinical trials range anywhere from trying out medications to answering simple questionnaires. 

Take a look at some of the types of clinical trials to see if you may be interested in participating in any of them. Not only could you make more money, but you could end up helping a lot of people. 

Why participate?

The money is a huge piece in participating in these trials, however, it may not be what interests you most. There are tons of trials for various conditions, treatments, and new products. 

If you have any disorders, conditions, or diagnoses, clinical trials may be a great help to you. Not only could you get compensation for doing clinical trials, but you may also find some healing for your own diagnosis. That’s a pretty good deal!

Types of Clinical Trials

There are tons of reasons for clinical trials to take place. Let’s look at a few of the different options and see if you fit any of these groups. 

First, it’s important to note that there are two kinds of trials. These kinds of trials determine how much you will be affected by the treatment or tests being performed. 

Observational trials are trials that clinicians measure based on observing the client. These trials don’t affect the client physically in any way.

Experimental trials, on the other hand, do affect the participant. Clinicians will experiment with a tool, medication, or treatment on you. This varies depending on what trial you enter into, so make sure you read up on it beforehand.

Most likely, experimental trials will pay more than observational ones. This is because there are more risks involved. 

Early Illness Identification

By the time many illnesses are actually detected, it’s progressed too far for treatment to work properly. For this reason, many clinicians work to detect early signs of disease in people. 

The goal of these trials is to detect early clues that allude to certain diseases, disorders, and issues. If doctors are able to detect certain signs early on, they may be able to slow down the progression of the disease. They could even prevent the disease entirely. 

Treatment Trials

This is most likely what you think of when you think of clinical trials. Treatment trials are trials that focus on new treatments to introduce that are safe and effective.

You never know if the trial you’ll participate in will revolutionize treatments for certain diseases or chronic issues. You could take part in making history and helping a ton of people thrive.

Natural History Studies

Natural history studies study how diseases and general health progress over time. This study follows people who are at risk for certain diseases or illnesses and studies how they develop over time.

These studies teach clinicians more about specific diseases so they can better treat them. It also makes it much easier to find a cure or lessen the severity of the illnesses. 

Prevention Trials

These trials mainly follow healthy individuals who may have a higher risk for certain cancers or diseases. These trials help determine if certain treatments are successful in preventing illness. 

Screening Trials

Screening trials are slightly different than the rest of the trials. These trials look to find new screening techniques for detecting disease. 

Clinicians work to find the most effective and safe detection system for diagnostic purposes. The goal is to find better systems to identify illness early on, discover better treatment options, and save more lives. 

Standard of Living Trials

These trials focus on how to better the quality of people’s lives. These could mean a variety of different things. Whether you’re struggling with a disease, have higher risk of chronic issues, or are completely healthy, you can participate in one of these trials.

Clinicians focus on how you view your life in your circumstances or conditions and find ways to make it better. Many of these studies focus on economics and sociability. However, there are plenty of medical and psychological studies to take part in. 

Start Searching!

You never know what study you’ll find that will be a huge blessing to you or others. When you take part in these studies, you take part in helping people, curing diseases, and getting yourself some funds.

Doing clinical trials might be just what you need to get caught up on your finances. You may even enjoy it more than your main job! Look up some clinical trials in your area and be apart of something bigger than yourself.