What Gluten Does To Your Body

What gluten does

There’s a lot of talk about what gluten does to your body. In fact, avoiding gluten seems to be the newest trend. Gluten-free options are sweeping the country to meet the needs of gluten-intolerant people. 

You may hear talk about how gluten is bad for your body and feel the push to eat “healthier.” But what makes gluten so bad? 

If you’re honest, you might not fully know what gluten is. 

Do you know what gluten does to your body? Is it something you should consider avoiding in your diet?

What is gluten?

Gluten is an ingredient in certain grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Although gluten itself doesn’t have flavor, it adds to the texture of certain foods. It’s responsible for creating that special “dough-ey” texture in bread. 

Besides texture, gluten doesn’t bring much to the table. It’s nearly unavoidable in the average diet. 

How does gluten affect the body?

Gluten doesn’t provide any essential nutrients, but it sure is in lots of the foods you eat. 

Although this ingredient does a fantastic job of holding your food together, it may not be suitable for everyone. This doesn’t mean that it’s inherently good or bad. The truth is, if you aren’t intolerant to gluten, you have no problem eating it.

Why are some people intolerant to gluten?

Gluten is a protein that many people are intolerant to. Genetics play a major role in whether or not you have a gluten intolerance. 

Many people don’t even develop an intolerance to gluten until adulthood. This can make detecting this change in your body even more difficult. 

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a more severe example of how certain people’s bodies can’t process gluten. With this autoimmune disease, your body responds to gluten with inflammation that can cause damage. 

However, not every gluten intolerance is so severe. You may have symptoms that you would have never thought to trace back to gluten intolerance. 

What are the signs that you may be intolerant to gluten?

It can be difficult to recognize the adverse effects of gluten, especially if they aren’t immediate. Symptoms can delay for up to a few days after consuming gluten. 

Some of the most common symptoms of gluten intolerance have to do with digestion. Typically you feel cramps or a stomach ache, nausea, or bloat. Some people even react with skin issues such as hives, swelling, or itchiness.

However, there are tons of other symptoms you may not expect. Feeling tired, having brain fog, headaches, or even experiencing anxiety and depression may be from consuming gluten. 

Alongside that, gluten stays in your body for up to 6 months after eating it. That’s a long time! 

Do you need to kick gluten out of your diet?

If you’re sensitive to gluten, your gut is giving you warning signs. Learning these signs and taking action is essential to maintaining good health.

The gut has a lot to do with your overall health, so detecting gluten intolerance early is important. It’s vital to pay attention to your symptoms now so you can adjust your diet accordingly. 

So, if you think that you may be intolerant or sensitive to gluten, it’s time to kick it out of your diet. You might be surprised how good you feel after it washes out of your system. 

With more energy, better digestion, and a healthier mind, you will feel like your best self in no time.Â