Tips to Accelerate Your Job Search Online


We live in a digital world, so it should come as no surprise that job searches are now done mostly online. Whether you sign up with a job search site or search through social media or both, chances are you’ve run into some roadblocks as you look for your next position. We’ve got some tips to help you accelerate your online job search.

Update social media

Yes, it really is necessary to utilize social media to lock down a job offer. With 77% of recruiters saying they use LinkedIn to find job candidates, social media really has become an integral part of the twenty-first century job hunt. LinkedIn is a great place to get your resume and pertinent work and education details online so recruiters can seek you out. Don’t forget to connect with all of your colleagues and industry contacts on social media as well. You never know when a recruiter will follow your professional social network and end up sending a job offer your way.

Get specific in your search

While it’s easy to go to big job listing sites, sometimes getting a bit more specific in your search is a better call. Are you looking for a government job? Try using government jobs websites. Maybe you would like to get your foot in the door at a particular corporation. A good idea would be to go to their job site and get your resume uploaded so you can quickly jump on any job offers you see. While some hiring managers send every opening to the big job recruiting sites, some only send a select few. Often the choicest positions are listed only on the company’s job search site if they’re actually listed anywhere at all.

Don’t blow off recruiters

If you’ve kept an up-to-date resume posted online, you may have already had a recruiter reach out to you. While you may not have been looking when you were contacted, it never hurts to reach out to any recruiters you’ve talked to when you are in the job market. They often know of job listings that are not public and can be a great resource to expand your job search considerably.

Keep your resume on file

Most job search websites allow you to keep a copy of your resume uploaded and on file with their service. You should immediately take advantage of that service if you’re serious about finding a job. Not only does it increase the chance that an employer will find you and invite you to apply, it allows you to get your application completed quicker when a job opening appears.

Go local

You don’t need to go visit the physical message board at your local supermarket, but you should consider checking out local message boards or community sites that may have job listings. Some companies prefer to keep things local and may exclusively advertise in more local spaces.