College Extracurriculars That You Should Get Involved In Now

College extracurriculars

College is one of the highlights of your life if you play your cards right. You experience new friends, fun activities, and the thrill of living independently. College extracurriculars are a big part of that experience.

Joining groups, clubs, and other college extracurriculars is the fastest way to meet people who love what you love. There are so many options for you to choose from!

Here are some common college extracurriculars. 

Leadership roles

If you have qualities that would make you a good leader, you should definitely look into filling one of these roles. These positions might also get you a scholarship to help with that costly tuition. 


Athletic teams are one of the best ways to find people with shared interests. If there’s a sport you enjoy and are good at, try out for the team! You never know what new friends you could make. Intermural and scholarship-funded teams both provide you with a community of like-minded students. 

The Arts

Whether you’re a fan of music, acting, painting, etc., any club in the arts would be where you thrive. Meeting like-minded people will allow you to release some creative juices and shake off the stress of your studies.

On-campus jobs

Although this may not be the common interest clubyou’re looking for, an on-campus job can do more than just get you tuition funds. Spending time with coworkers is a great way to get to know people and make money at the same time.


Photography is a great way to meet inspiring people. Making friends in this way can push you to learn and grow more in your craft. Aspiring photographers swap tips and tricks, and you’ll be a better photographer for it.

Planning Committee

If you love planning, organizing, and delegating tasks, this may be the perfect spot. Being on your school’s planning committee allows you to get to know so many people inside AND outside of your group. This is a fantastic networking opportunity for your professional life as well as your social life.

Community Service

If you have a heart for giving back to your community, look into your school’s community service opportunities. If they don’t offer any you are interested in, start one yourself! There’s no better way to network than to begin your own group.

Religious Groups

If faith is a big part of your life, it’s important to meet other people you can relate to. Finding a group of people that share your same values can take an immense weight off your back. It gives you a solid foundation of community during your time at school.

Cultural Clubs

Cultural clubs are great if you’re passionate about learning about other countries, languages, and cultures. Joining your school’s cultural club is also the best way to meet people who are from different cultures. 

Study Groups

Classes can get hard, and you might need people who can help you learn more efficiently. Attending a study group can be a great way to be productive in your studies and your social life.

No matter what they are, you can always find people who share your interests on your campus. Talk to your college advisors to find the organizations that fit you and your passions most to meet like-minded people. You never know what group of people could be your new lifelong friends.