The Secret to Finding the Right Career For You


If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. The question is, how do you find a career path that you enjoy so much that it feels like second nature?

These simple tools will help you find jobs that will fuel your passion and make you feel like you’ve found the right fit for your life.

List Your Interests

Make a list of the top 5 things that genuinely get you excited. All of your hobbies, pastimes, curiosities- write everything you love that motivates you to get up in the morning. 

It’s important to be self-reflective about what you enjoy doing with your time. If you want to find a career that suits your wants and needs the best, you can’t do that without truly knowing yourself.

Ask Other People

Sometimes it’s hard to recognize what you’re good at without encouraging input. Ask people that you trust to help you brainstorm unique skills and talents that you have. What do you have to offer? How do you stand out from the crowd?

Your friends, mentors, and coworkers all have a different perspective about what you bring to the table. Use their encouragement and direction to help you gain confidence in knowing the things that you do well.

Take a Quiz

Browse the internet for some quizzes that will help you assess some different career options. One very popular test is Meyers Briggs, which helps you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and desires.

If you want a test that’s more career-driven, try getting matched to a job with CareerQuiz. It’s a practical way to sort through different options for vocations that would suit you well.

Use Your Network

You might not know what the right fit for a career move is until you try it out. There might be jobs that you don’t even know exist that are waiting for you. All you have to do to find out is to reconnect with your network and see who’s offering new opportunities!

It’s suspected that everyone is connected by just six degrees of separation, and research continually proves this. You can find career options beyond your wildest dreams through networks that you didn’t even know you had access to.