Common Interview Questions You Should Always Be Ready To Answer


Interviews can be nerve-wracking. You try your best to answer the slew of questions being thrown at you, but it’s hard to put your best foot forward when you don’t feel prepared.

The nice thing about interviews is that different employers typically use similar questions when trying to get a better idea of whether you’d be a good fit for the position they’re trying to fill. No matter what job you’re looking to get, here are a few common questions that you should always be prepared to answer.

  1. “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

When employers ask this question, they want to know if you’re self-aware. Do you know what you bring to the table when you go to work every day? There are some tasks that you may have a natural knack for, and they want to see that you have the ability to identify what you do well.

In addition to your strengths, you’re also asked to share your downfalls. Don’t be self-deprecating and give a laundry list of pitiful answers- that won’t give a good impression of your capability to get the job done. Instead, give brief yet honest answers. The most important thing to communicate is that you’re willing to learn and grow in the areas that you’re weak in.

  1. “Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?”

This question is pretty vague, and it can be hard to answer. Your interviewer likely doesn’t want to hear the entire saga of your life story, but they also don’t want a mere list of what you like to do with your free time.

Consider your audience and what they might resonate with. You can take the opportunity to share a little bit about why you’re wanting to take on the job or what relevant qualifications you might have. It may even be helpful to memorize a minute-long script to help them get a better understanding of who you are and what you’re about.

  1. “What do you need from a manager?”

If you get asked this question, you have the opportunity to authentically express how you operate while working and how you interact with others. It also shows your level of awareness regarding your personal habits and workplace needs, demonstrating how much you reflect on work methods that can increase your efficiency and effectiveness.

Be wary that you don’t use this sharing time to complain about previous managers. If you turn your interview into a gossip session, your potential boss will likely turn you away. No one wants to work with someone that may talk about them behind their back.