5 Signs You Have Spring Fever


When spring fever strikes, you know it. Whether it makes you feel like cleaning out your attic, or like cleaning out your phone contacts, spring fever might make you start thinking about fresh starts for everything from your pantry to your love life. If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder during the long dark months of autumn and winter, you may welcome the physical and emotional boost you feel when spring finally arrives. Changes in the amount of daylight when spring arrives can actually cause hormonal changes which could help explain why your mood suddenly gets a big lift.

How do you know if you have spring fever, though? Check out our list of possible spring fever signs to see if that’s why you’re suddenly acting a little wild!

1 – Urge to travel

Do you suddenly want to go on some sort of journey? You may feel more active now that there’s more springtime daylight for you to work with, so that might explain why you’ve suddenly got wanderlust. If you find yourself ready to buy plane tickets for the other side of the world, that’s one sign you’ve got spring fever. (Just be sure to wear your sunscreen when you’re out enjoying the sunshine!)

2 – You keep thinking about sex

Increased sex drive is such a spring fever cliche it even made it into the classic animated movie Bambi! In fact, human sexual activity slightly decreases in the spring, but fertility in men does increase a bit. So if you’re feeling a little frisky, that might be a spring fever sign!

3 – Cleaning overdrive

If everywhere you look you see dirt, cobwebs, and grime, that may be a sign that you have spring fever. You want to clear out the winter accumulation of filth to prepare your nest for the more active time of the year. Not only does this check out as a sign of spring fever, but it can also actually be really useful to be so inspired to clean. So break out your rubber gloves and your sponge and get to work!

4 – You’re motivated to de-clutter

Yes, spring is often the time people get in touch with their inner Marie Kondo. Spring is a great time to let go of anything that does not spark joy. So go ahead and organize your pantry or load up a box to donate to your local charity thrift store. Compulsive organizing is a great symptom of spring fever to celebrate.

5 – Feel happier

If you find that your mood has suddenly lifted for no reason whatsoever, that could also be a sign of spring fever! Sunlight is a mood lifter, as is time spent outdoors in natural green settings, both of which are a lot more abundant in springtime. So if you’re walking down the sidewalk whistling and enjoying the bustle of life, it might be because you’ve got a healthy case of spring fever!